Nicaragua - La Estancia

Nicaragua - La Estancia

from £14.00

Origin - Nicaragua

Region - Dipilto, Nueva Segovia

Process - Natural anaerobic

Producer - Luis Papuaga, Finca La Estancia

Altitude - 1000m

Variety - Marsellesa

Tasting notes - Orange, peach, cinnamon

This single-varietal, single-plot microlot is sourced from producer Luis Bernardo Papuaga and his small farm Finca La Estancia in Dipilto, Nueva Segovia, and processed by Peralta Coffees in Ocotal.

This Marsellesa lot utilises a raised bed natural process with a 72 hour anaerobic fermentation stage. Coffee is selected and harvested then laid out to dry for a total of 28 days: 22 days on outdoor raised beds and 6 days undercover. The coffee is turned regularly throughout the day and covered at night to protect from moisture.

Dipilto is recognised worldwide for its production of special coffees thanks to to its climatic conditions, the height of its mountains and advanced agronomic management; all aspects that influence the quality of the end product.

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